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Stainless steel submersible pumps

Stainless steel submersible pumps

The stainless steel submersible pump is a high performance wear-resisting and corrosion-resistant electric pump that produced by introducing leading pump technology of foreign pump industry. The power part is stainless steel submersible motor which is made with the current international advanced technology and pollution-free to the water quality. It is the most competitive product nowadays among deep well submersible pumps at home and abroad. It is suitable for extraction of groundwater from deep Wells, and also for water extraction projects such as rivers, reservoirs and canals. It is mainly used for the irrigation of farmland and the water for humans and animals in the plateau mountain area. It can also be used for drainage of cities, factories, railways, mines, construction sites.



Motor power:0.37kW—185kW     

Rated voltage:380V/660V

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